Padauk Humidor

  • $895

    100-125 Cigar Humidor
    10" x 15" x 6"
    2 Dividers
    Dial Hygrometer
    Humigar Moisturizer
    Exotic Veneer with Curly Maple Edge Trim
    Semi Gloss Finish
    Model #57C

    Padauk grows in Equatorial Africa, "under the hump" where Bubinga, Sapele, Mahogany and other African hardwoods dwell. It is a large tree and the lumber is striking in appearance due to its deep red color. It also grows in the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean southeast of India. It is often referred to as Vermillion due to its red color. We used this wood for years in the 70's, 80's, and 90's for making a line of kitchen and desk items. They were made from laminated Padauk, Cherry, Maple and Walnut. So it has a special significance to us as a wood that is still unique in appearance and vibrant in color.

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    C Model Unique Humidors

  • unique humidors

Please call us at (301) 432-6131 to purchase this item.