Vavona Burl Humidor
50-75 Cigar Humidor
10" x 13" x 5.5"
1 divider
Medium Humigar Moisturizer
Analog Hygrometer
Semi Gloss finish
Model #54BVavona Burl should actually be called Redwood Burl. Somehow the French call it Vavona and this name has laid claim to the real Redwood Burl. Its specie name is Sequoia sempervirens meaning after the Cherokee Indian Sequoyah(1770-1843) and semper/virens - always green. Redwood trees grow only along or near the coast of California in a narrow strip no more that 35 miles wide and 500 miles long - from 100 miles south of San Francisco to a little above the Oregon border. It is by far the largest tree in the world reaching 300-400 feet. The burl is an abnormal wart-like growth on the trunk of the tree. It consists of a mass or cluster of eyes which are dormant buds. It is not know what causes a burl which occurs on many Redwood trees and is especially common on the Redwood. Redwood burl is easily identified by its rich dark red mahogany color with small eye clusters or tight burls. It is available only in veneer form.
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