Lightning Bolt Movingue Humidor
100-125 Cigar Humidor
10" x 15" x 6"
2 Dividers
Dial Hygrometer
Humigar Moisturizer
Limited Edition Marquetry & Semi Gloss
Model #51CM
By custom order only - 4-6 week deliveryMovingue comes from West Africa and varies in color from a light tan to a golden amber. We stain the veneer to add rich luster to the highly figured "lightning bolt" grain pattern. This figure is unique only to Movingue and occurs quite often. Two other unique features of this wood are that it contains silica deposits which easily dulls cutting tools and it also contains a yellow extractive which is used for yellow dye. We use Movingue in veneer form only as the lumber is not readily available.
This beautiful humidor is our top of the line model and is available by custom order only. It is custom built and usually takes 4-6 weeks for delivery. It has decorative border inlay strips as well as edge binding in a choice of Curly Maple, Ebony or Indian Rosewood. Lots of labor and lots of tender loving care makes this custom built, highly decorative humidor a center piece in any office or home.
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